OpenPose  1.7.0
The first real-time multi-person system to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot keypoints
enumClasses.hpp File Reference

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enum class  op::PoseModel : unsigned char {
  op::BODY_25 = 0 , op::COCO_18 , op::MPI_15 , op::MPI_15_4 ,
  op::BODY_19 , op::BODY_19_X2 , op::BODY_19N , op::BODY_25E ,
  op::CAR_12 , op::BODY_25D , op::BODY_23 , op::CAR_22 ,
  op::BODY_19E , op::BODY_25B , op::BODY_135 , op::Size
enum class  op::PoseProperty : unsigned char {
  op::NMSThreshold = 0 , op::ConnectInterMinAboveThreshold , op::ConnectInterThreshold , op::ConnectMinSubsetCnt ,
  op::ConnectMinSubsetScore , op::Size