OpenPose  1.7.0
The first real-time multi-person system to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot keypoints
fileSystem.hpp File Reference

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OP_API void op::makeDirectory (const std::string &directoryPath)
OP_API bool op::existDirectory (const std::string &directoryPath)
OP_API bool op::existFile (const std::string &filePath)
OP_API std::string op::formatAsDirectory (const std::string &directoryPathString)
OP_API std::string op::getFileNameAndExtension (const std::string &fullPath)
OP_API std::string op::getFileNameNoExtension (const std::string &fullPath)
OP_API std::string op::getFileExtension (const std::string &fullPath)
OP_API std::string op::getFullFilePathNoExtension (const std::string &fullPath)
OP_API std::string op::getFileParentFolderPath (const std::string &fullPath)
OP_API std::vector< std::string > op::getFilesOnDirectory (const std::string &directoryPath, const std::vector< std::string > &extensions={})
OP_API std::vector< std::string > op::getFilesOnDirectory (const std::string &directoryPath, const std::string &extension)
OP_API std::vector< std::string > op::getFilesOnDirectory (const std::string &directoryPath, const Extensions extensions)
OP_API std::string op::removeSpecialsCharacters (const std::string &stringToVariate)
OP_API void op::removeAllOcurrencesOfSubString (std::string &stringToModify, const std::string &substring)
OP_API void op::replaceAll (std::string &stringText, const char charToChange, const char charToAdd)