If you intend to extend the functionality of our library:
- Read the README.md page.
- Check the basic library overview doc on doc/very_advanced/library_structure/1_library_deep_overview.md.
- Read, understand and play with the basic real time pose demo source code ../../doc/01_demo.md "OpenPose demo" and ../../doc/04_cpp_api.md "C++ API". It includes all the functionality of our library, and it has been properly commented.
- Read, understand and play with the other tutorials in examples/. It includes more specific examples.
- Check the basic UML diagram on the doc/very_advanced/library_structure/UML to get an idea of each module relations.
- Take a look to the stucuture of the already existing modules.
- The C++ headers files add documentation in Doxygen format. Create this documentation by compiling the include folder with Doxygen. This documentation is slowly but continuously improved.
- You can also take a look to the source code or ask us on GitHub.